
Watched 'Love in Disguise' last week and I totally love love love the movie! That was my first time watching LeeHom's movie.. To be honest, at first it was quite boring I think. But as the show goes on, it was so funny! He was like a stupid blur guy (especially with the ah pak specs) doing silly stuff.. I was mesmerized by his talent. Playing different types of musical instruments, singing different tones and types of music. Acting cool and stupid at the same time.. XD *thumbs up*

Well, I think he was trying to portrait his own real life. There was a song in that movie that i fell in love with.. It is the  你不知道的事 (direct translation: something you don't know) I don't know whether you guys will like it or not, but try listen to it. =) No harm right?

*look at his round specs!* cute!!!