Excited, happy, sad, nervous, miss-my-friends and miss-him... I have all this feelings in me now.. Choo, i miss u... Chua, i miss u.. Amy, i miss u.. Sher, i miss u.. Hmm.. we're going to be separated for a very long time soon.. I don't know when is the next time i can meet you guys... Hmm.. Choo and Sher still can meet easily cos both of you are still in KL... Easy peasy.. Sigh... Well, All the best to everyone of us to fulfill and chase our own dream.. Do not look back at yesterday, for there is a brighter tomorrow.. Do not be heart broken when you fall or fail, for this is the chance for you to learn your mistakes...
The briefing is coming up this Saturday.. I feel so nervous and excited cos i'll be meeting my classmates and maybe some best-friend-to-be... Seeing new faces, starting everything over again.. Your jokes, your character, your style, your embarrassing moments.. Everything has to be reintroduced again.. I hope I will make some good friends.. Like my Pork gang, SARS gang, A levels gang... I don't know who are my future friend.. Well, i'll know after starting my degree.. Right now, i have a friend whom i chat with.. Her name is Serene.. I can't wait to meet her, she seems nice and friendly.. Haha.. I saw my list of recommended books... OMG, there are 21 of them and each cost RM100++... i hope i don't need to get all of them.. Wow.. I hope they provide all these books in the library..