What do you do when you stop at the traffic light? Digging your nose? Checking whether there's left over food stuck in your teeth? Or maybe texting your loved ones? Have you ever look up to the sky and look at the clouds? I did that yesterday.. I saw few cute shaped clouds.. It depends on your own imagination actually.. But it was fun though, thinking about what they look like, creating story.. Mum and I were looking and created stories.. It was really funny.. She said she saw 3 little kids running around.. Then i added in, "yeah yeah!! And there's a fat and short kid in the middle!!" Then mum said:" and he fell down!!" Then i added:" they are chased by 2 dogs!! And another kid in front is flying a kite!!!" Then mum suddenly said:" No, it all looked like a dragon now.. Haha" It was like we were back in the old kiddy days.. She told me when she was 12 years old, she went to the window everyday to actually enjoy the cloud and to look at the different shapes.. Haha.. I guess she feels young now.. Lol.. Before that, i spotted a lump of clouds which made up a cute dog shaped and it looked like Joey Boi.. Teehee.. So cute!!! And it looked like the dog came out from the sun roof of the car in front of mine.. Haha.. I quickly snap it.. Pictures will be shown at the bottom..On the other hand, i met a stupid road bully!!! Argh!! Hate him!! So what if he is driving Vigo and i drive small MyV.. You don't needa bully me!!! *Horn Horn* I was driving on my own lane.. When i reach the place where they can make a U turn, this stupid fella cannot go on cos the "Q" is very long till the right lane was blocked.. He suddenly just cut into MY lane without giving me any signal and i was just beside him and I can't believe he did that!! I was so near him and yet he cut out!!! Damn him.. I brake so hard and thank God i was able to break and of cos i was not driving very fast.. All my stuff behind flew and dropped down.. Luckily my cereals are not damage.. Then i horn horn him but he did not care and continue to zoom out.. Damn him this kind of people should not drive here!!! Its okay if he did not put signal, but can he at least don't bully me!! Stupid guy!! I should have horn longer.. Shis.. Luckily San San is not in the car.. what the heck.. I'm still angry when i think of it.. Hey, what for I get angry with this kind of useless people yea? Forget about it.. I'm happy now.. Lalala.. Hope he is sneezing now till he thought he has flu!!!
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Hello there... Ah Byby and I went to Bukit Tinggi on 21.08.09... It was quiet cos its not a weekend yet.. We just walk around.. The weather was not too hot and not too cold.. Just nice.. However, a sweater is not needed.. Hehe.. We reached there in the evening. Rabbit park and horse trails are closed.. Oh well, next day then.. There was a lousy performance at night.. We thought it would be street performance like those in France.. Ceh, there was just some less-then-an-hour break dance on the small stage.. We waited so long for the performance and this is what we saw.. Lol.. Next morning, we had breakfast, then we went to the Rabbit Park.. Aww, those rabbits are so adorable.. But Eric stepped on 1 of the rabbit's tiny leg, poor thing.. Then it went and hide at a corner.. Sad case.. Smelly.. I stepped on some rabbit shit.. Oh gosh.. Disgusting.. We left in the afternoon and headed to Cameron Highland... So far.. We drove for around 4 to 5 hours.. Tiring.. Poor Eric, the driver... I did not allow myself to drive cos the road was very steep and had many turning turning.. I do not want any bad things to happen for our vacation.. hehe.. We arrived in the evening, checked-in and we went for charcoal steamboat for dinner.. Unique aight.. It was nice.. But the weather was so scold and i was shivering.. Plus, I was so hungry.. After we eat, we went to a pasar malam.. Most of the stalls are full with strawberry related stuff.. Haha.. Cos Cameron is very famous for strawberry, besides the "Boh" tea of cos.. The Jagung is very very very sweet!!! We went back. We watched tv in the room.. It was freezing cold outside, i don't want to go out.. The next day, we went to EQ Strawberry Farm.. There, we can pluck our very own strawberry.. It was a good experience.. The Abang thought us how to look for a sweet strawberry and the technique to pluck.. Teehee.. We then drink the strawberry milkshake, introduced by Eric's housemate.. Delicious.. They use real frozen strawberry.. Not even a drop of artificial strawberry syrup.. Nice.. You should try when you go next time.. After that, we went to the famous tea garden.. "Boh Tea Centre".. We saw all the tea leaves.. Planted neatly.. There was no smell actually.. We even went to the factory to watched all the process.. From the process of frementation to sorting before they export out for packaging.. Then, we left.. The road was terrible compared to coming up cos the road is heading down.. Faster.. Yeah, i vomit.. Yucks.. Car sickness always give me alot of trouble.. thank God its better now.. I used to vomit, few bags when i was younger, going to Kundasang. Sandakan even worse cos the journey is very long.. Anyways, here are 5% of the pictures taken.. The rest will be upoaded in Facebook soon..
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Woohoo!!!! I just got my results today.. This the best results i have ever get in my life!! I just couldn't believe it... When i was waiting for my results just now, while talking with some of my friends.. I was very anxiuos.. Cos i dreamt i got AAC just before waking up this morning.. I was so shocked when i wake up.. i remember clearly C is for Chemistry.. Never mind, forget about the stupid scary dream.. Results will be out at 1pm... Everyone was so excited and SCARED... Duh, the normal feelings of getting result.. What more few of us were given a conditional offer, if we don't meet the requirement, bye bye..
Ms. Joanne started posting the list of students with 1A and above... Everyone was crowding the glass door.. i was just beside the group and i can't see clearly.. Argh nevermind.. I'll see later.. Since its not done posting yet.. Its just the first paper, out of 4... Its striaight 4A's, it won't have my name up there.. I took 3 subjects only.. Haha.. Next paper is up.. Still 4A's.. not me... Third paper up.... Suddenly, someone (I think Charissa) shouted my name.. SAM!! i was shocked, i look at it, there goes my name!!! AHHHHH!!!! i did not expect my name to be up on where it is now... I couldn't stop laughing and screaming silently towards my hand (Mouth covered by hands)... I can't explain the feelings here... But I'll never forget the feelings and the joy... First time in my life!!!
This pays off my hardworking dept.. Especially the dept before exam.. But i hope i can do better in my degree.. I know degree is much tougher than A-Levels..
WOOHOO!!!!!!!! Ah by is spending me Shaboo Shaboo for dinner!!!!!
I just want to tell everyone that miracle does happen!!! Well, it happened to me now... And lastly i just want to say, "Practice makes Perfect!"
Good Day =D
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Yes, it was really tiny.. The first time ever... A 50-people-class "GATHERING " where there is only 3 people came... Hahaha.. So, i named it as tiny gathering instead of small.. haha.. Special thanks to Esther for planning this together with me, all the sms-es, calls.. And of cos i have to thank mabelle for coming.. IF Mabelle don't come, there'll only be choo and I.. Wahaha.. Anyways, we went to Tanjung Aru Beach.. We had juices... then we talked, eating the keropok udang.. bla bla bla... We then walked on the beach... We were thinking to walk all the way to Beach Hotel but we didn't have time.. Plus its really really far.. Exhausted.. Lol.. So we decided to take photos only.. Hehe.. Well, there always some jumping pictures when ever someone goes to beach.. So, we took many many of the stupid jumping pictures.. It was a good exercise though, cos we kept jumping and jumping until we get a perfect shot.. Teehee.. I don't care!! I want the perfect shot!! Haha.. There goes our tinyeeee gathering.. I hope to have another bigger gathering, as in i hope most of the classmates will be able to come for our next gathering.. I think it's still a looooong way to go.. Since everyone is out studying.. The next gathering might be in someone's wedding!!! @@ Oh dear, we're OLD!!!
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Excited, happy, sad, nervous, miss-my-friends and miss-him... I have all this feelings in me now.. Choo, i miss u... Chua, i miss u.. Amy, i miss u.. Sher, i miss u.. Hmm.. we're going to be separated for a very long time soon.. I don't know when is the next time i can meet you guys... Hmm.. Choo and Sher still can meet easily cos both of you are still in KL... Easy peasy.. Sigh... Well, All the best to everyone of us to fulfill and chase our own dream.. Do not look back at yesterday, for there is a brighter tomorrow.. Do not be heart broken when you fall or fail, for this is the chance for you to learn your mistakes...
The briefing is coming up this Saturday.. I feel so nervous and excited cos i'll be meeting my classmates and maybe some best-friend-to-be... Seeing new faces, starting everything over again.. Your jokes, your character, your style, your embarrassing moments.. Everything has to be reintroduced again.. I hope I will make some good friends.. Like my Pork gang, SARS gang, A levels gang... I don't know who are my future friend.. Well, i'll know after starting my degree.. Right now, i have a friend whom i chat with.. Her name is Serene.. I can't wait to meet her, she seems nice and friendly.. Haha.. I saw my list of recommended books... OMG, there are 21 of them and each cost RM100++... i hope i don't need to get all of them.. Wow.. I hope they provide all these books in the library..
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Choo, Chua, Amy and I had been planning for Sher's suprise for about 2 weeks and finally our mission was accomplished yesterday!! Woohoo!!
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I don't know how that huge lizard appear in my house!!!! On the dining table.. What, my house has some sort of good food for the lizard is it?? Or it fed on some fertiliser? Its so damn huge man!! Its almost like those jungle lizard.. When i just got back from dinner and i put my stuff on the dining table, i saw it running to San San's colour pens plastic... I was like what the hell was that??!!! I scream like a crazy people, again.. Then it ran away and i saw it!! It was a freaking huge n fatty lizard!!!! Then i scream!!! Again... The San San laughed out loud at me again, as usual.. Then she imitate me screaming like a mad people.. Then she keep saying Gugu (Aunty) scared of the lizard oh.. Hahaha.. Then my mum laughed at me too.. Sigh.. Embarrassing.. A 19-year-old girl scared of the lizard and was laughed by a 2-year-old monster.. hahaha...
Last night, she repeated again saying me scared of the lizard ans she laugh... When she went to bath before going to sleep, she saw a baby lizard in the bathroom.. When she come back to the room she quickly say:" Gugu!! Got lizard in the bathroom o!! Hehehe.. " What the, she teased me again.. =.="
The Pre-departure orientation for the Penang Medical College '09 is on the 15th of august!! I'm so excited about it.. New friends new people.. But it'll be really tough.. Cos meeting new people, sometimes you don't know what to talk about.. Don't how you should respond cos you don't know their character yet.. Maybe their talkative and think you're boring?? Or they're quiet people and think you talk too much?? Sigh.. Awkward.. We'll see how then.. Will tell you more.. I hope i will meet interesting friends that have the same frequency as i do.. Pray hard..
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There's a pre-departure briefing organised by the British Council to prepare students to go over to UK.. Like what to bring, what to prepare and how to apply for Visa, etc.. Jeanette, Jared and I went.. We were very early because Jared finished his tuition at 12 but the briefing as at 2. So, we went to Wisma Merdaka.. Up we go to the parking.. As you all know, the entrance of the car park facing the sea is very steep, narrow and has a sharp cornering right.. Then, there's a Proton in front which stops suddenly after the corner.. She cannot go up!! She's a Malay girl with new license P... Jean immediately stopped.. Den her dad went to the driver's seat to drive the car up but before that, while her dad is half way out the car went back slowly and she brakes even harder.. I think her car's break system is not in good condition cause it just can't stop there properly.. Then, they changed seat already.. Her dad press on the pedal.. Instead of going upwards, the car "gostan"!!!! (Our Malaysian language, understand la kan).. Then 3 of us in the car was so shocked!! Like saying ui ui ui very near lo!! Then he tried another tine and same thing the car "gostan"!! Now its even nearer to our car. Then we wind down my window (I was in the front seat), then i wave my hand out and shouted to the:"Oi!! Hello!! Hello!!! Kamu semua keluar dulu!! semua keluar!!! Hello!!!" I shouted because the back seat is fulled!! The car is very heavy that's why the car cannot go up!! Come on man.. Or maybe they're too nervous, can't think properly.. Then the car behind us reverse a bit then Jean reverse back a bit, just in case something bad happen!! My head was out at the window like those dog, hands on the winded down mirror... Looking behind.. I think i looked funny, like those traffic police.. Waving and checking the car.. At last, the dad manage to drive up... And the rest walked up.. Man.. She should understand that Wisma Merdeka's parking is the toughest la!! She should know her standard very clearly also what.. Just got the license and driving manual some more!! Then came here.. Luckily nothing bad happen...
But after that, 3 of us laughing non-stop... Hahahaha.. We laughed out loud and kept repeating the scene.. That was really funny!! Too bad i cannot snap some pictures or video for you guys to see.. I was too nervous that time.. Sorry guys!! =)
P.S. This might not sound funny, but i swear!! If u were there, to witnessed the whole situation, you'll laugh like mad ok..
Tata!! Hope you enjoy this..