Yes, I know I'm suppose to be studying HARD for my exams now. Its next Wed! Oh gosh and there's still so much more to read! All the things I've read, I wonder they actually went into my brain and store it there.. I wish I can search my brain like I search for files in the lap top or google where I can just pour out everything that I've studied. =/
So, here are the things that I want to do after the exams / during summer (and also RIGHT after the exam!):
1. Cut my front hair --> BANGS *yes, bangs! first time in my life!
2. Bring Edbert around Dublin..
3. Plan for our summer trip and also packing (oh yeaaaa... Spain, Portugal, France here we come! )
4. Korean drama marathon
5. Portsmouth
6. Electives
7. Do some recordings with Joanna, maybe?
8. Gym Gym Gym!!!!
9. Choreograph a dance with Joanna, yes her again. Teehee
10. Upload all the photos (birthday, holidays, random, etc, etc)
11. Sleep overs + talk + movies
12. Do something Crazeeeeee....
These are the things in my mind so far.. I'm sure there'll be more coming out when I'm studying. teehee.. n_n''''
Off I go, back to my notes z.z