It's christmas!!!!!!! Yay!!! It means alot of things actually.. Good and Bad.. Well, of course, the good thing is that my friends and I are going to LOndon!!!! for Shopping!! And also its my first christmas in Ireland!! On the other hand, the bad thing is that it means exam is near and its the end of year 2009.. Boohoo.. T.T
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It snowed it snowed!!!!~~~ Haha.. I've been waiting for this moment.. Although it was just a bit, can't even see white fluffy snow as imagined, oh well at least i saw it on May's coat.. haha.. I was so excited!! When May and i were talking in Tina's room, mummy (Eunice) suddenly rushed into the room and shouted:" It's snowing!!!" Then May and I like sakai kept shouting.. Well, in exact I was the one shouting the most.. Ehe.. Tina suggested to go out. We went to eat supper at Burger King.. It was sooo cold!!! I was wearing 3 layers of thick clothing, boots, scarf and glove.. Still feel very cold cos the face was exposed.. Overall, I'm so happy to see snow flakes... Teehee
This afternoon, it rained, icey-stone.. We were on our way to Jimmy Chung to have buffet lunch.. Then it suddenly rained but we saw all the stone hitting the floor.. we were amazed.. Then we quickly put on our hoodie.. But suddenly the "rain" became heavier and the stones from the sky drop faster.. It hit our face and eyes and nose.. It was quite painful though, and Cold!! @@
We did not eat much but we felt like dying.. Haha.. My stomach was bulging out like i had 10 month baby in my tummy.. May was dead at that time, she can't move at all.. hahaha.. we sat at the restaurant for awhile, just to let our food go down the tract.. Then we went to Penny's to shop.. I spent quite alot, again.. sniff.. T.T I bought a very thick sweater, 2 cheap cheap T-shirt, long cardigan and a pair of gloves..
Not going to sleep early tonight.. It was the last day of school today.. Hmm.. Time flies... Study time!!!!! But right now, as usual.. our girl's session in my room.. ^^
With Love,
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I've been waiting for this day for 2 weeks!!! I was so excited about this event cos I'm involved in the sketch and it was my very first time acting.. Haha..
After CS, went back to shower and get ready.. Then Jo and I went early to help out with the deco and to practice the sketch for another few times... We were too busy and did not realise timeis flying.. Slowly, we saw people coming in.. Woah! Full house!! There's people standing somemore! I was so nervous.. My heart kept pounding hard.. The event startes with ice breaker..Kevin asked us to learna dance move called 'wave...' somiething..i forgot.. haha.. then, we sang some xmas songs.. Jo and I was the backup singers but can't really hear us cos both if us were sharing 1 mic.. so, yeah.. But i think it was ok lar, cos we did not practise togther with Darren and Helen.. After that, we quickly went to change and get ready for the sketch while a 5-minute video is beeing played.. I was so excited!!
Our time is here.. I can tell Justin was really nervous.. haha.. Cos i can hear him swallowing.. hahaha.... Btw, he was my God.. Teehee.. It turn out to be so well!! Eve teared.. Cos we got this done in just 2 hours of practice.. Supposingly, we already had a plan.. and we practice till we got it perfect.. But Darren said it is not easy to understand especially for non-christian.. So they decided to change the whole thing.. We did it all over again.. In 2 hours time, we got it.. Just that the timing needed to be improved.. I really miss those moment where we practise, laugh and talk together.. Hurting each other, scratching each other.. Jo touching my boops!!!! hahaha.. I got alot of bruises during the practise.. Cos i have to fall and being pushed ALOT OF TIMES.. But it's worth it!! Bruises in both knees.. On the day of performing, i rubbed and dragged my foot over the carpet when i was falling (Cos eve said she can't feel the ohm, so she wantus to be more 'semangat', so i decided to fall more aggressively) and i tore my skin.. Haha.. During that time, I felt my skin hot and spicy when i rubbed against it i did not realise the skin came off at cos it was just hot, until i showed them.. Good experience.. Haha..
I miss you guys alot!!!! *being emotional here*
Its now over, I wish we can still act...
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Most of my seniors always say: 'Aiyo, this prosector gave me my ONLY B!!' Then, I'll be like, okaaaayyyy... Only B huh.. But for me, I can only say: 'Yay, she gave me my ONLY A!!!' Haha.. The thing is, those seniors can play, can have fun, know how to enjoy, but they stil can do so well.. I really don't know how they do it.. Haha..
So I was really happy yesterday... When my groupmates are waiting for our prosector to come, we were sooo nervous!! Seeing Kelly coming in, everyone was like No no no please don't come here... He went to other table, everyone was like 'ahhhh, phew'.. Then, seeing Clive Lee coming into the door, everyone's eye turn big.. Nope, not our table.. Okay, eyes back to normal..Waiting waiting.. Jane Holland came in.... Den disappeared into the room to take her white coat.. Every group started their CS already.. So we assume, okay ours is Jane Holland.. Yeap,there she come, Table 5 & 6 yeap?
She started from the last person in my group, i was like damn!! I'll be the 7th person!! I was so scared she'll run out of questions and ask about Lower Limb cos i never have time to even touch that part.. I was like keep saying in my heart, please ask me about the uterus!!! That's the thing i like the most.. keep hoping.. 'doom'! my heart just broke when she asked girl, which is 2 before me, about the uterus.. I was like OMG what is she gonna ask me??!! Waiting anxiously.. My heart gonna burst soon!! She asked the person before a very tough and long question.. I thought: 'Mmm, die la me this time..'
'Samantha Thien.' i was like yeap, putting my hand in front of her.. She kept looking at the cadaver, thinking what to ask me. Then, she pointed at the bladder. In my heart: 'Ah, i know this!!' So, i was kinda happy.. She ask about the structure, muscle, blood supply and innervation.. That's all!! I was so lucky!! Then i peeped at the paper to see what mark she's gonna give.. Then, I saw an A. I was like phew.. ahhh... She saw me.. She laughed..
Hahaha.. So lucky!! Prayer does work! ~~
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Beautiful.... One word to describe the setting up of the chocolate.. My first time seeing a white chocolate fountain bliss.. Its sooo nice!!! Eating marshmallow and cream puff with white chocolate coating.. Ahh feel like you're in heaven.. Haha.. Maybe i exaggerated but yea, it was really nice.. The performances was not very good.. But they invited a local band who performs in Grafton St. But i have never seen them though.. haha.. Never mind.. I got nothing much to talk about for this event.. All i wantes to talk about was the chocolate fountain.. Mmmmm..
PS.Choo, wish u were here to enjoy the chocolate fountain with me.. :/
We went back quite early.. I was too sleepy.. Next day was a long day.. I skipped 2 classes to practise the sketch for xmas carol..
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That night was a great event.. May, Jo and I got free entrance cos we volunteered to work for the event.. 3 of us were involved in the deco team to help with the backdrop for photo shoot.. Then during the event, Jo and I ushered and May was a waitress.. It was very tiring cos we stand for about 3 hours continuously, with heels!!! OMG.. But it was really fun though.. First time working in such a big event.. Haha.. The seniors even more 'geng', some of them had cardsigning on that day itself.. My team leader, Wei Li went to CS in the middle of setting up the room... Woah,I don't think I can manage if I were to incharge of an event while exam is coming.. Haha.. Oh well, a big *clap clap*for her..
After the event ended, all the committee members had dinner in Millin Basement.. Eve reserved lotsa food especially for us.. hahah.. so nice.. Wehad curry lamb, briyani, rice, curry chicken, pickles.. The food was soooo much till all of us have to take home alot of food.. i took curry lamb and white rice only... But the lamb served me for about 4 times!! and the rice served 5 people for 2 days.. May took curry chicken and we ate it for about 3-4 times.. haha.. can u imagine how much food left??? Other peopletook other share..
Then, we went back.. clean up, wash up and headed to bed... Next day, May had cardsigning.. hahahahahaha....
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I really really cant take this anymore!!!!!! I can't really study!!! I dunno what to so at this point.. God, I really wish you can help me now.. I really need you to help me to deal with this.. I really need you to help me to answer in my card signing.. The thing is that I'm scared the prosector will ask me something i did not understand or did not even know the thing exist.. Argh!!! How?!!! Tell me, what should i do now??!!!!
I'll post about the PMC farewell, CHocolate Ball and Christmas carol after tomorrow...
Back to study, just wanted to express....
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Hmm.. i'm getting lazy to blog. Cos i dun even have enough time to study.. Haha.. actually i seriously don't know what i did these past 9 weeks!!! i feel like i just stepped into uni life yesterday, and now i'm here for the 9th week!! what have i been doing?! nothing i think.. Sigh.. Alot of things happen in uni.. Like there's conflict and politics and many other things... Its not like in primary or secondary school anymore.. Sometimes i feel very stress to be in uni life.. things won't happen the way you want.. Instead, things that you don't wish to happen, they happen..
Evryone wants to be on top.. Who doesn't want, right? But they just use all the wrong ways to be on top.. Can't you all be humble and nicer to each other and try to get on top? Well, thats only my point of view. Sorry if i offended any1.. XD
=Amy+Harn+Shereen+Esther+Dana+Renee+Sabrina+Ya Fui=
Girls, i seriously miss you guys very very much!! I hope you guys can see this.. I miss all the time we spent together as we grow up.. I've known some of you for more than 10 years!! Esp Amy.. You guys are my life, my best buddies!! I will never forget you guys... I wish we're now in the same uni and studying the same course.. I can guarantee that it'll be very very fun!!! Hmm.. But i understant that we're all grown up and we're going on separate ways.. Oh well, do keep in touch!! Love you guys!!! Muahh..
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Yesterday was the AGM.. we spent the whole day in college.. cos the outgoing board have to present their report for the whole year.. then, all the nominees have to give speech and have to answer questions prepared by the 2 outgoing VPs (Arthur LAu & Jawing).. I nominated myself as the new female sports coordinator for 2009/2010.. I presented my speech in less then 3 minutes.. and all I can hear was my shaky voice.. haha.. it was really terrifying though.. All eyes on you. Lol.. after speech, i have to pick a number from 1-28.. i chose 13 cos i think that's my lucky number... then its a "wild number".. means the floor gets to ask me questions (not from the list of questions they prepared).. Mehul (current president) asked me: "what can you do to make UCD & RCSI closer, apart from all the things we've done already" Gosh for that instance i cant think properly.. I just said: "well, we can organise an event which need both the committee from UCD & RCSI to work together, not just they work by themselves and we work by ourselves" well i think my answer could have been better.. But i was too nervous, i gave a lousy answer..
To those from PMCSA-RCSI who's reading my blog, please vote for me though moodle!! Samantha Thien~Female sports coordinator... Thank you.. The voting will be close on 12th November, 9pm.. ^^
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Boohoo... I got a B for my carsigning.. Well, that is what i'm suppose to get for studying last minute.. Regret about this. had too much activities for the past few weeks.. "Padan muka"
I got Dr. Alice McGarvey as my prosector.. She's the Vice Dean of our department.. So you can imagine how strict she is.. Seniors also said she's not linear in giving A's.. Sigh.. I was unlucky.. Plus i did not study well.. so yea.. a B for me!! T.T.. i must work harder for the next cardsigning!!!
I quit fencing already.. and Im quittng hip hop dance class now.. man.. i cant do what i like to do anymore.. what's left is just Christian Union, archery and Surgical club.. Oh n also PMCSA..
I hope everything is gonna work out well.. I just hope i can cope with my studies.. haha.. The only person in this world who can help me is myself.. hmm... Gambate!!!!
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Bav, May & I went to college to attend the so-called "free dinner" halloween party.. But they served snacks only plus we needa buy our own drinks. What the.. It was so boring! There's nothing there at all. We just sit there and talked with Tina And Kevin.. sigh.. Before that, me, Bav and May went for the archery selection for the competition.. Hahaha.. so funny. With make up and all. Luckily we didn't dress up.. If not, i thnk it'll be really funny.. Lol.. Well, hope I get selected for the competition.. I really want to try though.. Although there's a minimal chance for me to win, but just for the experience. I think its worth it..
Anyways, we came back home after the boring party.. Went to Club M at 11 plus.. Just me and Bav. Met up Ganesan and Rachel cos we dont know the way.. Started dancing on the dance floor after Eunice and Tina came.. I saw the HOTZ guy there!!! He's sooo cute!!! He dressed as a fireman but wearing a singlet (sorry ah by.. ehe). And May is regret that she didnt go... He's my classmate but I dont think he even know us.. He's an Irish.. Teehee... Everyone was dancing lik crazy.. The music is damn nice. Hehe.. But i got stepped by stupid people for few times.. Gosh.. We danc til the club close.. That was my first time seeing a club with all the lights on. It felt a bit funny and weird.. Haha.. Then, me, Tina, Eunice and Bav went to McD.. i hate pepsi only.. Then we went back at 4am... Woah, so tired and sleepy!! I woke up at 12pm the next day.. And my ears are stil suffering.. Sorry...
That was my first halloween party. Haha. Its time for me to concentrate on my studies now! Cardsigning on Fri!!!! Pics wil be uploaded soon.. running out of time..
Bye!! Loves
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Today, May, Bavani, Joanna, Choey Ling and I went to UCD to watch the PMCSA Sports Day.. It us (RCSI) against UCD-ians.. Our team won the netball match!! So happy.. Luckily i din take part.. The girls are so rough!! There's a girl from our scratched her nose by the thing on her specs cos the other team pushed her.. OMG.. then she playey the match wuth a plaster on the bridge of her nose.. I DO NOT want that to happen to me!! But we lost in many games.. I think its cos we are lack of practice.. UCD has their own sports complex.. Us?? its just a building. Lol.. How are we gonna fight with them?? They have everything.. They can practice every single hour. Us?? The nearest place to practice is 1 hour of walking or 20 minuntes of bus.. Imagine u have to go every time?? Expensive and its a waste of time..
My college Student Union organized a deepavali celebration last night. We had dinner in college.. Bavani dressed up in her nice Punjabi dress.. Pretty pretty.. Joanna, May, Eunice, Serene and I also dressed up and make up-ed.. they had Hip hopped style Indian dance performance.. It was only for a few minutes..
After that, the celebration continued in Rio's Club for Banghra Nite.. We danced all night long n the dance floor.. It was really frustrating cos some people just wont watch their way when dancing.. I was stepped by heels for 3 times!!! Somemore 1 of the stupid lady's heels was like a big huge block!!! How I wish i wore my boots so that i can step on her as well.. Grrr. Another stupid girl also, dancing and shaking so much, as in her moves were over and kept pushing all of us away.. does she even realise there's many people on the dance floor?? hello???
There's fighting too.. But i din manage to see it.. Din know what was going on. Oh well, its normal.. Another thing is, when May, Joanna, Bavani and I was waiting to get some drinks, suddenly i feel a splash of cold water on my back then i heard the sound of glass being thrown on the floor. Was shocked!! and cold!! My hair's wet!! Cos there's a woman actually splash water on a guy's face and she threw the glass on the floor and walked away.. OMG, so wild.. then, Jo's hair go boomz cos she straighten her hair temporarily.. So when its wet, the frizziness all shown.. Hahaha.. But mine, became nicer cos got shape. *winks*
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Bav, Serene, Jo n I went for our 1st hip hop dancing class.. walau.. the guy can dance very well.. well i think it runs in their blood.. haha.. i cant catch up.. i feel so "untalented" in dance.. like kayu onie this.. haha.. there's this girl beside me she can really dance.. very good.. sigh.. wish i can dance better.. teehee.. i just cant remember all the steps.. hmm.. or its too fast until i'm all mixed up.. right leg or left leg?? backwards?? forward?? what ever... aiks.. need more practice!!!
after dance, me, Jo, Bav, Serene, Eunice, Tina and May went to Grovindas.. Indian food!! Cos we're celebrating deepavali and Jo's bday.. Haha.. we ate alot.. but we can't finish it.. so we're having it again for dinner...
Diwali is on friday!!! cant wait.. Bav is gonna lend me her Saree IF her parcel can reach her by fri cos she's sending another 1 over.. i'm gonna dress up like an Indian!! i hope..
Study study... i really need to start studying!! i've been telling myself about this since last week but i still have not started studying yet.. i'm gonna be in a hot hot soup!!!
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i forgot to talk about the GARDA thingy.. GARDA means police.. N its our visa.. its not lik in UK where u do it bfore u come here.. we were given 1 month time to do it.. at this crucial month, we needa get the TWIC (to whom it concern) letter from uni in order to open the account.. then, we need to bank in all our money.. get the bank statement and there you go to the immigration department.. the crazy part was we got up at 3am!!! leave mercer court at 430am!! just to Q up.. just to make sure we get the ticket.. They start to give out the ticket at 8am (for student).. I was freezing and sleepy. I almost became an ice cream stick.. when we got the ticket we were so relieved.. we headed down to Mcd for breakfast.. Then went back to do GARDA.. we got everything done before 12pm.. hmm.. wonderful experience?? not at all.. i cant believe i have to repeat the same old thing for 3 times!!! 2 times left.. urghhh... those who are studying here for 5 or 6 years, good luck and all the best to you.. haha.. have fun waiting in the cold for few hours!!!
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went to Dunnes with Joanna after class just now.. Our purpose was to get a toilet wall rack for myself and lemons for her.. BUT, we went to the clothing area first.. Woah!!!!!! All the nice nice normal Tees cost 1 euro onie!!! oh my goodness!!! i feel like i was in clothing heaven.. n there's stil alot of size 8.. i grabbed the tees like no body's business.. but i'm very sad cos there's a baby blue singlet which i love the most has only size 14... man... i wish i can have that.. i bought a sweater for only 3 euro!!! can u imagine a sweater, RM15???!!! where can u get it in msia?? haha.. so, in total, i bought 5 tees, 2 training pants and a sweater.. All together cost me only 20 euro.. wakaka.. oh yea, of cos, i also got my toilet wall rack.. which is 8 euro.. alar,i can get another 8 tees la..
bubye!! gotta go study agen.. i've been fishing everyday in lectures.. gotta catch up..
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I went for the 1st lesson for beginners.. Now i know its not aseasy as i watch from the tv show (i forgot about the name but its a HK series).. haha... its tiring.. especially the arms amd thighs.. my god.. And i stil cansay the french word for ready and go.. haha.. nvm.. will learn it later.. then, before the session end.. we had a game where there's 2 group.. each in 1 end of the basketball court.. a glove in the middle line.. we'reeach numbered.. so, wen the guy shout a number.. the person from each side have to run for the glove but without crossing the line.. or wen the person grab the glove, you have to quickly chase and touch the person before he get back to his position.. For me, i was so stupid, i grab the glove while the guy was running back and i did not let go til he get back.. i was just like a dog following the owner.. plus, i had a deep scratch from my "owner" on my middle finger and it hurts badly when i was having my shower.. sniff..
can't wait to go for archery class tomorrow.. busy busy..
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Doctors now a days are not doctors back in 20th century anymore.. Today, people who study medicine is not nerdy, geeky, weird anymore.. They're very smart, rich, party-ish, cool, handsome and pretty.. Man, some of them are very "kia su" eh... They won't care about you.. As long as they get wat they want, they'll use any method. I feel so stress here.. After 2 weeks plus of lecture, i started reading only 2 days ago.. I find it kinda hard to catch up cos i'm way too behind now.. I have 20 lecture notes piling up and more to come next week. So, i must study really hard.. Come on, I can do it.. I hope.. Hmmm.. I wish myself luck.. Haha.. Evryone is so "geng".. I feel like i'm the most stupid student there..
"You can do it Samiee!!!~~"
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Its been more than 2 weeks since i last blogged.. Haha.. well i can say that i was really really busy for my uni stuff... Its nice being here.. The weather is cold.. But i hate it when the wind comes.. Cos its really cold and we all will freeze to death.. Seriously.. Weather here is very unpredictable.. Class starts since tuesday.. Its still kinda boring cos i think its stil the beginning.. Plus, i'm stil in my holiday mood.. Ehe..
I had anatomy class yesterday.. Suprisingly i was okay with it.. I even touched the cadaver's toe.. Its harden.. The chemicals stinks soooo much.. and it made my eyes watery and "pedih".. I thought i was gonna puke or faint.. Thank God i pass my own test.. Haha..
I made great friends here.. We call ourselves "The Anti-Social Social Club".. This include Shih May, Gin Peng, Joanna.. This is because all of us don't really like to go out.. Especially at night.. Haha.. We don't need to be so famous and popular.. Haha.. Maybe this is a bit weird cos most people wants to be famous right? nevermind.. But we also have 2 more good friends, Tina (Hong Kong) and Eunice (Singapore), and also Serene and Bavani.. some other guys friends also.. Hehe.. I hope we can keep this friendship going..
This is just the summary.. Haha.. I won;t have time and space to write everything..
Good Day!! =)
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We went out for dinner at The Hut on Wed night.. Then went to City Mall for VEda Blues's ice-cream.. Yummy... I had the durian.. Delicious.. So durian man.. Can't resist.. Amy had peppermint, Re had mocha and Sab had strawberry yoghurt.. Hehe.. Nice!!! Then.. went home to watch movie.. Our old time favorite- METEOR GARDEN!!!!! BUT.... we took photos.. as usual. It was so funny!! I used the smile detection... So we can't simply smile cos the camera will keep taking it.. Sensitive though.. lol.. There's few pictures-The Punishment (as shown below), it was a coincidence, we did not make it up, really.. it was the smile detection.. Haha.. Then we create some captions and ta-daa!!! there's the comic.. Teehee.. we did not realise we've been taking pictures for 1 hour++.. Then only we went down to watch movie.. We slept at 3:30am if i'm not mistaken..
Went to the Sarawak mee next afternoon.. But the meat finish... Sniff.. we went there for the meat actually but ah well, we went there late.. Sigh, next time.. Went back again, to watch movie.. White Cheeks!!! Hahaha. Stupid movie.. We watched it for billion time but we stil can laugh.. Hahaha.." What a beautiful chocolate man.. Ahahaha..."
We won't be seeing each other again until next year!!! Miss you guys!! All the best!! We must work hard alrite? All the best to Re for her interview next month..
F4= Flower 4?
Ahhh!!! We dowanna mati!!!
Aww shit, Re die liao o..
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Ah byby just went back to KL yesterday. I did not want to send him off because I know I'll for sure cry seeing him going into the check in department.. I hate to see him leave cos i know the next time to see him is NEXT YEAR!!!! We're soooooo far from each other.. 8 hours apart.. No sms, no calls for long.. We can only contact each other through skype.. I really hope i can log into skype over there.. Since i'm staying at mercer court.. Sigh. The feelings are difficult to be described...
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Choo is leaving later.. Too bad i didn't have a car today.. If not I'll send her off.. Hmm.. I can only see her next year!! Sob... All the best to you Choo!!!! Hope you'll do well in your law.. Get good grades.. Hope you will find many good friends... God bless you...
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What do you do when you stop at the traffic light? Digging your nose? Checking whether there's left over food stuck in your teeth? Or maybe texting your loved ones? Have you ever look up to the sky and look at the clouds? I did that yesterday.. I saw few cute shaped clouds.. It depends on your own imagination actually.. But it was fun though, thinking about what they look like, creating story.. Mum and I were looking and created stories.. It was really funny.. She said she saw 3 little kids running around.. Then i added in, "yeah yeah!! And there's a fat and short kid in the middle!!" Then mum said:" and he fell down!!" Then i added:" they are chased by 2 dogs!! And another kid in front is flying a kite!!!" Then mum suddenly said:" No, it all looked like a dragon now.. Haha" It was like we were back in the old kiddy days.. She told me when she was 12 years old, she went to the window everyday to actually enjoy the cloud and to look at the different shapes.. Haha.. I guess she feels young now.. Lol.. Before that, i spotted a lump of clouds which made up a cute dog shaped and it looked like Joey Boi.. Teehee.. So cute!!! And it looked like the dog came out from the sun roof of the car in front of mine.. Haha.. I quickly snap it.. Pictures will be shown at the bottom..On the other hand, i met a stupid road bully!!! Argh!! Hate him!! So what if he is driving Vigo and i drive small MyV.. You don't needa bully me!!! *Horn Horn* I was driving on my own lane.. When i reach the place where they can make a U turn, this stupid fella cannot go on cos the "Q" is very long till the right lane was blocked.. He suddenly just cut into MY lane without giving me any signal and i was just beside him and I can't believe he did that!! I was so near him and yet he cut out!!! Damn him.. I brake so hard and thank God i was able to break and of cos i was not driving very fast.. All my stuff behind flew and dropped down.. Luckily my cereals are not damage.. Then i horn horn him but he did not care and continue to zoom out.. Damn him this kind of people should not drive here!!! Its okay if he did not put signal, but can he at least don't bully me!! Stupid guy!! I should have horn longer.. Shis.. Luckily San San is not in the car.. what the heck.. I'm still angry when i think of it.. Hey, what for I get angry with this kind of useless people yea? Forget about it.. I'm happy now.. Lalala.. Hope he is sneezing now till he thought he has flu!!!
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Hello there... Ah Byby and I went to Bukit Tinggi on 21.08.09... It was quiet cos its not a weekend yet.. We just walk around.. The weather was not too hot and not too cold.. Just nice.. However, a sweater is not needed.. Hehe.. We reached there in the evening. Rabbit park and horse trails are closed.. Oh well, next day then.. There was a lousy performance at night.. We thought it would be street performance like those in France.. Ceh, there was just some less-then-an-hour break dance on the small stage.. We waited so long for the performance and this is what we saw.. Lol.. Next morning, we had breakfast, then we went to the Rabbit Park.. Aww, those rabbits are so adorable.. But Eric stepped on 1 of the rabbit's tiny leg, poor thing.. Then it went and hide at a corner.. Sad case.. Smelly.. I stepped on some rabbit shit.. Oh gosh.. Disgusting.. We left in the afternoon and headed to Cameron Highland... So far.. We drove for around 4 to 5 hours.. Tiring.. Poor Eric, the driver... I did not allow myself to drive cos the road was very steep and had many turning turning.. I do not want any bad things to happen for our vacation.. hehe.. We arrived in the evening, checked-in and we went for charcoal steamboat for dinner.. Unique aight.. It was nice.. But the weather was so scold and i was shivering.. Plus, I was so hungry.. After we eat, we went to a pasar malam.. Most of the stalls are full with strawberry related stuff.. Haha.. Cos Cameron is very famous for strawberry, besides the "Boh" tea of cos.. The Jagung is very very very sweet!!! We went back. We watched tv in the room.. It was freezing cold outside, i don't want to go out.. The next day, we went to EQ Strawberry Farm.. There, we can pluck our very own strawberry.. It was a good experience.. The Abang thought us how to look for a sweet strawberry and the technique to pluck.. Teehee.. We then drink the strawberry milkshake, introduced by Eric's housemate.. Delicious.. They use real frozen strawberry.. Not even a drop of artificial strawberry syrup.. Nice.. You should try when you go next time.. After that, we went to the famous tea garden.. "Boh Tea Centre".. We saw all the tea leaves.. Planted neatly.. There was no smell actually.. We even went to the factory to watched all the process.. From the process of frementation to sorting before they export out for packaging.. Then, we left.. The road was terrible compared to coming up cos the road is heading down.. Faster.. Yeah, i vomit.. Yucks.. Car sickness always give me alot of trouble.. thank God its better now.. I used to vomit, few bags when i was younger, going to Kundasang. Sandakan even worse cos the journey is very long.. Anyways, here are 5% of the pictures taken.. The rest will be upoaded in Facebook soon..